[Kids] Color Glow Night
May 30, 2019
June 8th from 7-8:30pm in the back lot of Axis Church in Mason.
Bring your family, neighbors, friends and get ready to have a fun night! Color Powder War, slip-n-slide, games and more. We'll get to hear how unique God created us all and what that means for our lives! Make sure to wear ALL WHITE (and make sure you don't mind getting messy!)
June 8th from 7-8:30pm in the back lot of Axis Church in Mason.
Bring your family, neighbors, friends and get ready to have a fun night! Color Powder War, slip-n-slide, games and more. We'll get to hear how unique God created us all and what that means for our lives! Make sure to wear ALL WHITE (and make sure you don't mind getting messy!)
Our hope and prayer is that this night and the family devotional time, helps to spark conversations in your home, car and living rooms that bring your family closer to Jesus.
You won't want to miss this one!